태그 보관물: vulnerability


sudoers 파일에 숨 막힘 : 안전합니까? 추가해도 안전합니까? mike ALL= NOPASSWD:/bin/chown -R

sudoers 파일에이 명령을 추가해도 안전합니까?

mike ALL= NOPASSWD:/bin/chown -R www-data\:www-data /var/www

그리고 이것은 내가 실행하려는 유일한 명령입니다

$mike@ubuntu: sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www




보낸 사람 man sudoers:

   If a Cmnd has associated command line arguments, then the arguments in
   the Cmnd must match exactly those given by the user on the command line
   (or match the wildcards if there are any).  Note that the following
   characters must be escaped with a '\' if they are used in command
   arguments: ',', ':', '=', '\'.  The special command "sudoedit" is used
   to permit a user to run sudo with the -e option (or as sudoedit).  It
   may take command line arguments just as a normal command does.
