태그 보관물: spell-check


Vim 맞춤법 검사에 새로운 단어를 기억시키는 방법 위해 gvim을 사용하고 있습니다.

라텍스 편집을 위해 gvim을 사용하고 있습니다. 나는 vim 사전이 알지 못하는 단어로 많은 과학 문서를 씁니다. 철자 검사를 실행할 때 철자가 올바른 단어를 발견하면 해당 단어를 사전에 어떻게 추가합니까?


vim 매뉴얼에서 :

To add words to your own word list:

zg       Add word under the cursor as a good word to the first
         name in 'spellfile'.  A count may precede the command
         to indicate the entry in 'spellfile' to be used.  A
         count of two uses the second entry.

         In Visual mode the selected characters are added as a
         word (including white space!).
         When the cursor is on text that is marked as badly
         spelled then the marked text is used.
         Otherwise the word under the cursor, separated by
         non-word characters, is used.

         If the word is explicitly marked as bad word in
         another spell file the result is unpredictable.

zG       Like "zg" but add the word to the internal word list

zw       Like "zg" but mark the word as a wrong (bad) word.
         If the word already appears in 'spellfile' it is
         turned into a comment line.  See |spellfile-cleanup|
         for getting rid of those.

zW       Like "zw" but add the word to the internal word list

zug      Undo |zw| and |zg|, remove the word from the entry in
         'spellfile'.  Count used as with |zg|.

zuG      Undo |zW| and |zG|, remove the word from the internal
         word list.  Count used as with |zg|.

명령 행에서 :

:[count]spe[llgood] {word}
         Add {word} as a good word to 'spellfile', like with
         |zg|.  Without count the first name is used, with a
         count of two the second entry, etc.

:spe[llgood]! {word} Add {word} as a good word to the internal word list,
         like with |zG|.

:[count]spellw[rong] {word}
         Add {word} as a wrong (bad) word to 'spellfile', as
         with |zw|.  Without count the first name is used, with
         a count of two the second entry, etc.

:spellw[rong]! {word}   Add {word} as a wrong (bad) word to the internal word
         list, like with |zW|.

:[count]spellu[ndo] {word}
         Like |zuw|.  [count] used as with |:spellgood|.

:spellu[ndo]! {word} Like |zuW|.  [count] used as with |:spellgood|.

정력, 유형 주문에 대한 자세한 도움말을 보려면 :help spell또는:help spell-quickstart
